The Users menu provides access to a number of Management Information reports and administration displays that show your rostrvm system user and agent activities:

Roles - a list of the pre-defined user roles that determine what functions a user is allowed to perform, and what MIS data they are allowed to see;

Skill Names - a list of the user skills that are used in inbound routing and outbound dialling;

User Status Codes - a list of the user status codes used for an agent entering not ready, logging off, or back office activity;

Users - a list of users, user groups and agent groups allowing properties to be changed and new entries created;

Send Instant Messages - provides the ability to send an instant message to one or more users connected on to the system;

LDAP/Active Directory - allows you to configure rostrvm for integration with an LDAP server (e.g. Active Directory);

Web AdVisor - allows you to configure how the Web AdVisor interacts with some 3rd party applications (e.g. SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics);

Agent Analysis - a Management Information report showing a summary of agent activity;

Agent History - a Management Information report showing historical agent state utilisation;

Agent Move History - a Management Information report showing a list of the agents that have moved between agent groups;

Agents On - a Management Information report showing a summary of live agent activity;

ResourceBroker - a Management Information report showing the status of agents in ResourceBroker controlled agent groups;

Personal Wallboard - a Management Information report showing a default personal wallboard showing the current state of all calls and agents;

ScoreCard Review - a Management Information report showing details of a specific ScoreCard review;

ScoreCard Summary - a Management Information report showing a summary of a set of ScoreCard reviews;

Session History - a Management Information report showing a list of users showing their session activity.

Permissions - allows the setting of roles and permissions for users and user groups.