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Roles determine what administration tasks are available through Manager to a user of group of users.  There are a number of pre-defined roles that are provided with your system but more specific roles can be created should you wish.

Roles Panel

Role - a list of all the currently configured roles.  Note that the Agent role does not allow any administrative tasks and hence in not shown in the list.


From here you can:

Create Role - click the Create button on the Roles panel to add a new entry;
Modify Role - click on the Role name to view or change the properties of an existing entry.


Pre-defined User Roles

The following sections show the standard rostrvm pre-defined roles and the administration tasks that are available to each one.




User: ScreenPhoneCallForwarding, ScreenPhoneSetAutoAnswer, ScreenPhoneSetIAmBusy, ScreenPhoneSoundSetup, ScreenPhoneVoiceMail.



Call: ViewCallData;
rostrvm: UseManager.


Team Leader

AgentGroup: ResourceBrokerControl, ResourceBrokerMonitor;
Call: ChangeOutcomes, EditCallData, ViewCallData;
rostrvm: UseManager;
UserGroup: InstantMessage;
User: AdVisor, AdVisorProfile; InstantMessage, Intrude, Logoff, Monitor, New, NotReady, Properties, Ready, ResetDevice, ScreenPhoneCallForwarding, ScreenPhonePlayCallRecordings, ScreenPhoneSetAutoAnswer, ScreenPhoneSetIAmBusy, ScreenPhoneSoundSetup, ScreenPhoneVoiceMail.



Activity Code (Business Outcomes): Delete, New, Properties;
AgentGroup: AssignUser, InstantMessage, ResourceBroker, ResourceBrokerControl, ResourceBrokerMonitor;
Call: ChangeOutcomes, EditCallData, ViewCallData;
Campaign: AssignList, Delete, DiallingFilter, EditMessageTemplate, ListConfiguration, New, Properties, RedialRules, Resume, Start, Stop, Suspend;
List: AccountSearch, ActivateList, DeactivateList, Delete, ExportList, FilterList, NewList, Purge, Refresh, RescheduleCallbacks, Reset, ResetCallbacks, SetForUnattended, SplitList;
OutBound: DoNotCalls, ImportDNC, ImportList, ImportTPS, RemoveDNC;
Queue: New, Properties;
Recording: Download, PhoneAudio, Playback SendEmail;
rostrvm: Install, LogFiles, SystemControlMonitor, UseManager;
UserGroup: InstantMessage;
User: AdVisor, AdVisorProfile; InstantMessage, Intrude, Logoff, Monitor, New, NotReady, Properties, Ready, ResetDevice, ScreenPhoneCallForwarding, ScreenPhonePlayCallRecordings, ScreenPhoneSetAutoAnswer, ScreenPhoneSetIAmBusy, ScreenPhoneSoundSetup, ScreenPhoneVoiceMail;
VoiceRecording: SearchRecordings.



Activity Code (Business Outcomes): Delete, New, Properties;
AdVisor: Update;
AgentGroup: AssignUser, Delete, InstantMessage, New, Properties, RemoveAgentGroup, ResourceBroker, ResourceBrokerControl, ResourceBrokerMonitor;
Call: ChangeOutcomes, EditCallData, ViewCallData;
CallClass: Delete, New, Properties;
CallDirectors: GlobalVariables;
Campaign: AssignList, Delete, DiallingFilter, EditMessageTemplate, ListConfiguration, New, Properties, RedialRules, Resume, Start, Stop, Suspend;
Chat: New, Properties;
DataManagement: CreateAnfModify, ReadOnly;
DoNotCall: Delete, New, Properties;
Email: New, Properties;
FileEditor: FileEditor;
IVR: Announcements;
List: AccountSearch, ActivateList, DeactivateList, Delete, ExportList, FilterList, NewList, Purge, Refresh, RescheduleCallbacks, Reset, ResetCallbacks, SetForUnattended, SplitList;
ManagerPanel: Edit;
OutBound: DoNotCalls, ImportDNC, ImportList, ImportTPS, RemoveDNC;
Queue: New, Properties;
Recording: Download, PhoneAudio, Playback SendEmail;
rostrvm: AdVisorProfile, ConfigureNotifications, ExtractedMIS, Install, KeysScriptEditor, LogFiles, SystemControlControl, SystemControlMonitor, UseManager;
RoutingNumber: Delete, New, Properties;
RoutingScript: Delete, New, SetCallDirector;
RoutingScriptVersion: Activate, Copy, Deactivate, Delete, EditScript, Export, Lock, New;
Skill: Delete, New, Properties;
Sms: New, Properties;
Station: Delete, New, Properties;
Switch: Properties;
UserGroup: AdVisorProfile, Delete, InstantMessage, New, Properties;
User: AdVisor, AdVisorProfile; Call, Delete, InstantMessage, Intrude, Logoff, Monitor, New, NotReady, Properties, Ready, ResetDevice, ScreenPhoneCallForwarding, ScreenPhonePlayCallRecordings, ScreenPhoneSetAutoAnswer, ScreenPhoneSetIAmBusy, ScreenPhoneSoundSetup, ScreenPhoneVoiceMail;
UserStatusCode: Delete, New, Properties;
VoiceRecording: Delete, New, Properties, SearchRecordings, SearchRecordingsConfiguration.


System Administrator

Activity Code (Business Outcomes): Delete, New, Properties;
AdVisor: Update;
AgentGroup: AssignUser, Delete, InstantMessage, New, Properties, RemoveAgentGroup, ResourceBroker, ResourceBrokerControl, ResourceBrokerMonitor;
Call: ChangeOutcomes, EditCallData, ViewCallData;
CallClass: Delete, New, Properties;
CallDirectors: GlobalVariables;
Campaign: AssignList, Delete, DiallingFilter, EditMessageTemplate, ListConfiguration, New, Properties, RedialRules, Resume, Start, Stop, Suspend;
Chat: New, Properties;
DataManagement: CreateAnfModify, ReadOnly;
DoNotCall: Delete, New, Properties;
Email: New, Properties;
FileEditor: FileEditor;
IVR: Announcements;
List: AccountSearch, ActivateList, DeactivateList, Delete, ExportList, FilterList, NewList, Purge, Refresh, RescheduleCallbacks, Reset, ResetCallbacks, SetForUnattended, SplitList;
ManagerPanel: Edit;
OutBound: DoNotCalls, ImportDNC, ImportList, ImportTPS, RemoveAllDNC, RemoveDNC;
Queue: New, Properties;
Role: Properties;
Recording: Download, PhoneAudio, Playback SendEmail;
rostrvm: AdVisorProfile, ConfigureNotifications, ConfigureSystemSchedules, ExtractedMIS, Install, KeysScriptEditor, LogFiles, SystemControlControl, SystemControlMonitor, UseManager;
RoutingNumber: Delete, New, Properties;
RoutingScript: Delete, New, SetCallDirector;
RoutingScriptVersion: Activate, Copy, Deactivate, Delete, EditScript, Export, Lock, New;
Skill: Delete, New, Properties;
Sms: New, Properties;
Station: Delete, New, Properties;
Switch: Properties;
UserGroup: AdVisorProfile, Delete, InstantMessage, New, Properties;
User: AdVisor, AdVisorProfile; Call, Delete, InstantMessage, Intrude, LDAP, Logoff, Monitor, New, NotReady, Properties, Ready, ResetDevice, ScreenPhoneCallForwarding, ScreenPhonePlayCallRecordings, ScreenPhoneSetAutoAnswer, ScreenPhoneSetIAmBusy, ScreenPhoneSoundSetup, ScreenPhoneVoiceMail;
UserStatusCode: Delete, New, Properties;
VoiceRecording: Delete, New, Properties, SearchRecordings, SearchRecordingsConfiguration.