Welcome to rostrvm version 12.
In a business environment that's more competitive than ever, rostrvm really can show you a different way to be different.
rostrvm is a modular contact centre software platform that makes inbound and outbound contact handling operations more efficient and effective. rostrvm allows you to take a holistic view of your voice, email, web and text messaging communications with your customers and the outside world to ensure that you are in the best possible shape to out-shine the competition.
Our technology is standards based, scalable and reliable. It is designed to use as much of your existing IT and telephony infrastructure as possible to deliver enhanced services without the need for a complete technology refresh.
It's not just about the technology though. Our solutions fully integrate with your business data and desk-top applications to support your people and make sure that the right information is at their finger tips when they, and your customers, need it most.
rostrvm also ensures that calls and communications are handled consistently and that processes are adhered to. And when it comes to measurement and management rostrvm is second to none - we are experts at relating contact handling activity to business outcome. We can make performance visible at all levels of your organisation in a format that is tailored and relevant to those who need to see it.
For more than 30 years we've been helping organisations to differentiate their contact centre service offerings. As with them, we can give you the confidence and capability to be different in ways that you and your customers will love.