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A Management Information report showing a list of the agents that have moved between agent groups, and the reasons why they have moved.  The move history is shown in reverse time order (i.e. the last movement is at the top of the list).  Data on this report is generated only if ResourceBroker is active.

Agent Move History Panel

Each row represents each time an agent was moved from one agent group to another agent group.

Time - the time that the agent was moved;
User - the user name of the agent;
Device - the device at which the agent was logged on;
To Group/CPN - the agent group (campaign for outbound) to which the agent was moved;
In Criteria - the rule that was used to acquire the agent;
In Value - the value of the rule at the time the agent was acquired;
In Target - the value of the rule threshold that was applied;
From Group/CPN - the agent group (campaign for outbound) from which the agent was moved;
Out Criteria - the rule that was used to release the agent;
Out Value - the value of the rule at the time the agent was released;
Out Target - the value of the rule threshold that was applied.