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A Management Information report showing a summary of live agent activity.

Agent Availability Panel

A summary table of the number of agents in each agent state.

Table - showing the number of agents in the Busy, Not Ready, Ready and Wrap-up states.


Agent State Overview Panel

A grid table of currently logged on agents.

Grid - showing the username of each agent that is logged on and an icon showing their agent or call state.


Agents Panel

A table of currently logged on agents.

User Name - the name of the user.  To the left of the name an icon is displayed indicating the state of the user (e.g. ready, not ready, handling a call, email, or chat, etc.).
User Group - the name of the user group;
Campaign - the name of the campaign (if logged in to a campaign);
Station - the station to which that the agent is logged on;
State - the current agent state.  When in busy, the call state is shown.  If handling a chat or an email this is shown.
Time in State/Call - the time in the current agent state, or the time on the call if the agent is busy;
Customer Number - the contact details (e.g. telephone number, email address) of the remote party if busy on a contact (or unknown if contact  details are not present);
Class - the call class associated with this contact;
Calls In - the number of inbound calls received by this agent (in the case of transferred calls, calls can be counted on more than one agent);
Calls Out - the number of outbound calls (including manual outbound) made by this agent (in the case of transferred calls, calls can be counted on more than one agent);
Emails - the number of inbound emails presented to this agent (in the case of forwarded emails, emails can be counted on more than one agent);
Texts - the number of inbound texts presented to this agent;
Chats - the number of inbound chats presented to this agent;
Utilisation - the percentage of logged on time that agents have spent in busy, wrap-up and preview states.