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A Management Information report showing the agent history and state utilisation for a particular user.
Agent History Summary Panel
Shows a summary of the user’s agent states for the time period selected.
• | User Name - the user selected in the parameter field; |
• | Current Session Start Time - the start time of the currently logged in Session. This column doesn’t appear on historical data; |
• | Logged on Time - the total logged on time for the agent within the period. |
• | Sessions - the number of sessions within the report period. |
• | Ready: - the amount of time in the Ready State; |
• | Busy: - the amount of time in the Busy State; |
• | Wrap Up: - the amount of time in the Wrap Up State; |
• | Not Ready: - the amount of time in the Not Ready State. |
Agent History Utilisation
A pie Chart showing the percentage of time in each state rounded to the nearest whole number.
• | State - the State that the user has been in over the duration; |
• | Sum - the sum of all the time spent in this state as a percentage against the whole amount of time |
Agent Not Ready Reasons
A panel showing every not ready reason an agent has selected during the report period.
• | Not Ready Reason - the Not Ready Reason the agent has selected; |
• | Time (Count) - the time spent in the specific not ready state and the number of times they have selected that reason code. |
Logged Off Reasons
A panel showing the number of times the selected agent has logged off and for what reason during the report period.
• | Logged Off Reason - the reason the agent selected while logging off. If a reason wasn’t given it is defaulted to Unexpected System Log Off. |
• | Time (Count) - the number of times the specific logged off reason was selected. |
Session History Summary
A panel showing every action an agent has taken during the report period.
• | Date - the date of the action; |
• | Start Time - the start time of the action; |
• | Duration - the time spent during the action; |
• | Action - either the state change or the call/contact the agent made/took. If the state change was a call it also includes the icon of the call class, or the origin type if a call class icon hasn’t been set up; |
• | Class - the call class for the contact that the agent answered; |
• | Comments - the comments of the state change. If the state change is Logged In the comments will display the Agent Group logged into. If State change is due to a call then it will show the outcome. If the state change is due to Not Ready then the comments will show the Not Ready Reason. If state change is Logged Off it will show the Reason selected while logging off. If a reason wasn’t given while logging off it will be displayed as Unexpected System Log Off. |
• | Media - this column is a link to the call recording, email/ SMS/ Chat Transcript. |