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A Management Information report showing a summary of agent activity for each each agent.

Agent Analysis Panel

A list of agents showing the utilisation and contacts handled.

User Name - the name of the user;
Logged on time - the total time that the agent has been logged on;
Utilisation - a bar chart showing the percentage of time that the agent has spent in each agent state;
AHT - the average call handling time - this is the average of Not Ready + Busy + Wrap-up time;
Calls ...
Total Calls - the total number of calls that have been handled;
Connects - the total number of calls that were connected to the remote party;
Out - the total number of outbound calls;
In - the total number of inbound calls;
Emails ...
Out - the total number of outgoing emails;
In - the total number of inbound emails;
Chats ...
In - the total number of inbound chats;
Consults ...
Out - the total number of consultation calls that have been made;
In - the total number of consultation calls that have been received;
Transfer In - the total number of transfers that have been accepted.