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A Management Information report showing details of a ScoreCard review.

ScoreCard Reviewer Panel

Reviewer - the identity of the user that carried out the review;
User Name - the identity of the user/agent that was being reviewed;
Review date - the time and date on which the review was performed;
Call Date - the time and date of the call that was reviewed;
Original Call Recording - a link to the call recording of the call under review.


ScoreCard Score Panel

A summary of the review:

Score - the score given to the call being reviewed;
Perfect score - the maximum score that could be given;
Percentage - the percentage of the score compared to the maximum.


ScoreCard Review Panel

The review details:

Questions - the list of questions that were answered as part of the review process;
Score - for each question, the review score (default is 1 for yes, 0 for no), however these can be changed from the ScoreCard Questions report;
Answer - the reviewer's answer to the each question;
Notes - any notes that were added by the reviewer during the process.