What is the contact simulator?
The rostrvm contact simulator (also referred to as gwsim) is a rostrvm process that can be run with the rostrvm server software in order to emulate a PSTN VoIP gateway and a source for email contacts. It emulates a generic gateway by simulating remote telephones and non-rostrvm PBX extensions normally associated with a telephony switch when using an Invex system.
Why would I need to use gwsim?
You would normally only run a gwsim if you are an application developer who is integrating a new or existing telephony application with a rostrvm Invex system, or a system tester who is testing a rostrvm application. It is provided to users of a rostrvm system that have no access to a real gateway to the PSTN or an email account from which to launch test emails.
Although development and testing of a rostrvm application can be achieved entirely against gwsim, because of the minor differences between the workings of different gateways and telephony switches, it is essential that the final phase of all development or testing be performed against a real gateway connected to a real telephony switch or the PSTN.
What skills do I need to be able to use gwsim?
Users are able to access the gwsim telephony services through a number of windows, menus, and buttons. It is assumed that you are familiar with the concepts of windows, especially with terms such as menus, buttons, and list boxes. It is further assumed that you are familiar with the telephony concepts and services provided by a switch, and hence gwsim.
It should be noted that the GUI interface to gwsim is available through a standard Web browser (the default) or alternatively through the PC desktop. This user guide only shows the browser interface, the desktop interface displays are similar and so to avoid confusion are not shown.
What areas are covered by this manual?
This manual describes each of the elements of gwsim and explains how to operate them. For details of the application programming interface to be used to integrate with a rostrvm system, refer to the rostrvm Interface Programmers Guide.
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