The rostrvm contact simulator provides the user with a number of functions not covered elsewhere in this document.

How the screen layout is maintained;
How to clear calls;
Play announcements to callers.

Screen layout

The main screen is shown on start-up. When run for the first time, this is shown as an empty window. If however some remote devices are created the screen layout is changed, and the simulator is exited then the current screen layout is saved. When next run the last screen layout is remembered and displayed.

Remote devices can be removed from the display by selecting the Delete button on the right:


To clear calls from all simulated devices

Select the Clear all calls... option from the toolbar.


After confirming the action, all calls currently residing at the remote devices are cleared. Care should be taken before using this feature as all nail-up link calls are also cleared.

Play announcements to the caller

The contact simulator has the option to play announcements to the caller for both incoming and outgoing calls. The announcement(s) to be played are picked at random from the rostrvm database. This allows the voice path to be tested using real client applications (e.g. ScreenPhone with the PC speaker / microphone).

To enable this feature, select the Play announcements to caller button from the toolbar:
