rostrvm can access data directly in external databases; normally this will be done to access customer information based on either an incoming or an outgoing call.
External database access from within rostrvm is performed using ODBC DSNs configured on the rostrvm server.
CallDirector can, for example, query an external database within a script using the Database Query macro and placing the ODBC DSN name in the database parameter.
It is common for external databases to require a user name and password; this can be specified by creating a rostrvm registry entry named DSN_<dsnname> that contains the ODBC database connection string.
For example:
To connect to a Microsoft SQL Server through an ODBC System DSN named MyDB using user name fred and password secret, the following rostrvm registry entry would be required:
DSN_MyDB Dsn=MyDB;Uid=fred;Pwd=secret
Connection to a particular data source can be disabled by setting the registry entry value to IGNORE
Windows 2008 64-Bit ODBC Connections
The ODBC setup in Control Panel in 64-bit Windows is only for 64-bit applications. Since rostrvm is a 32-bit application you need to use a different ODBC control panel.
This can be found using the following path: