rostrvm Manager provides a real-time and historical view of your operational information.  This view is provided within a browser window and so can be accessed from any browser enabled device provided there is network access to the rostrvm server (see Manager access and logon for details).

From most Manager displays and reports you can drill down to obtain more information on the current and historic operational status.  This is either achieved by clicking on any of the blue fields from your current display, or directly from the drop-down menus from the title bar.  Each display consists of one or more panels, each panel showing related information.  Various fields within each panel have links to other displays that provide more details about the selected item.

Between the title bar and main display are the report parameters.  These vary depending upon the display, some pages only have 1 or 2 parameters whereas others contain many more.  These report parameters can be adjusted to filter the display content as required.

Clear Filters

The contents of each display can be altered using the report parameter fields just under the title bar.  Which parameters are available depends upon the display.  All have a Period parameter which is either fixed to Now and cannot be changed, or defaults to Today and can be changed.  For displays with multiple parameters clicking the Clear Parameters button at the top right will reset them all to blank (except for the Period filter which remains set).  An individual parameter can be cleared by clicking the clear button next to the parameter itself.

So for example if we look at the Agents On report with the State filter set to Ready:


and after clicking clear parameters ...


Run Report

The Run report button is only displayed if the Enable run button option is ticked on the report properties.  This allows the setting of multiple parameters without waiting for the report to be executed after the setting of each one.  The report is not executed until the button is clicked.

Report Parameters

Many of the MIS reports can be changed to display different data depending on various input parameters (such as the date and time period).  A list of the different parameters available are defined here.

Parameter (Type)



(drop down)

Date/time range:

Period (user specified date/time range)
Last 5 minutes
Last 10 minutes
Last 15 minutes
Last 30 minutes
Last Hour
Week To Date
Last Week
Month To Date
Last Month
All Time

Once set, will not change until set again. All displays will keep the same Date setting until it is set again.

Call Class
(drop down)

Configured Call Class Names


(drop down)

Configured Campaign Names


(drop down)

Type of the Call:

Manual Outbound
Dialer Manual Outbound
Inbound Email
Outbound Email
Dialer Email
Dialer SMS
Inbound Chat


Customer number
(free text)

Telephone Number

All or partial match of Customer Number.

Non-connected outcome


Indicates whether the display should only show calls with non-connected outcomes.

(drop down)

Configured Business Outcome


(drop down)

Configured Queue Names


User group
(drop down)

Configured User Group Names


User name
(drop down)

Configured User Names


Agent group
(drop down)

Configured Agent Group Names


Account ref
(free text)

An OutBound account reference


(drop down)

Configured Categories


(drop down)

Not Ready
Wrap Up
Remote Alerting


Time in state


Only show details of agents who have been in state for this length of time or above.

A negative number displays agents who have been in this state for this length of time or less.

(drop down)

1 to 6 days
1 to 4 weeks
1 to 11 months
1 to 3 years


(free text)


Used by System Display only, to search for string in the Message field.

Account status
(drop down)


Account Status

Termination code
(drop down)

Max Calls to Busy
Max Calls to Unavailable
Max Calls to No Answer
Max Nuisance Calls
Max Calls to Answer Machine
Max Call Cancellations
Max Call Rejected
Max Calls Failed
Agent Cancelled Callback
Max Activity Outcome
Max Overall Call Attempts
Max Hungup After Answer

Account Termination Code

Some filter parameters also allow multiple selections to be applied to the search criteria.  These are donated by a double arrow on the right-hand side of the parameter selection box:


Individual setting can be removed by clicking the x to the right of the selection.

Panel Title Bar

Each display panel has its own title bar:


The following functions are provided:

Title - the name of the panel;
Panel options - allows the panel to be renamed or deleted, and provides access to the SQL queries used to populate the data;
Refresh - provides options on how often the panel should be refreshed (note that reports are automatically refreshed after 30 minutes of inactivity);
Panel Style - options on how the data within the panel should be presented.


Panels can be moved within a display by simply clicking and holding the title bar and then dragging the panel using the mouse.

Panel Options

A number of functions are provided for each display panel.  These can be selected from a drop-down menu by clicking on the panel options icon:


From here the user can:

Export to CSV - export the display data to a CSV file (to be viewed or saved);
Customise query - allows access to the SQL query that is used to retrieve the data from the rostrvm database.  This can be changed for custom reports to enable the required data to be extracted and subsequently displayed.
Select Query - gives access to a list of pre-defined SQL queries that can be used as a starting point when creating custom reports;
Rename Panel - renames the panel thus changing the name presented in the title bar;
Delete Panel - deletes the panel from the display.


Other than export to CSV, these functions are provided primarily for manipulating custom reports and should not be used to change the rostrvm default displays.

Refresh Options

The refresh rate of each panel is configurable.  To change this simply select one of the options from the drop-down menu available by clicking the Refresh button:


Care should be taken as changing the refresh rate to be too often can affect the performance of your rostrvm system.  Complicated  time-consuming queries should not be set to a small value.

Panel Style

How the data retrieved is presented in a display panel can be changed through options on a drop-down menu accessed by selecting the Display Options button:


This allows the way in which the data is presented to be changed, and the size of the font and panel width to be set.

External Web Pages

Report panels can show external web pages by creating an iframe in the returned results from an SQL query.

For example:

    select '<iframe src=""

             style="border: 0"





    </iframe>' as ''