<Data Stores and Import Profiles Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of an individual data store.

A rostrvm data store is essentially a database table into which data can be imported. It is used by the rostrvm OutBound product to hold customer account information.

Data stores are normally created and defined as part of setting up an Import Profile although it is possible however to create an internal data store before defining an import profile first.

General Tab

Details defining your data store.

Call History Collection Only - select this if the data is being collected for historic reporting only.  This is normally for inbound call centers where rostrvm is not providing and CRM type facilities.
Keep data in this store when lists are deleted - if ticked then should a list be deleted that contains accounts that are linked to records in this internal data store, these entries are not deleted (otherwise they are);
Column Name - the name of the column in the database;
Type - the type of column (string, integer, time, date, datetime, etc.).  One of these should be Unique Reference.  This field is used to link the data to the dialler accounts table using the ACCOUNT_REF field;
Field Prompt - if this data is to be included on a CallGuide screen then this is the prompt to be shown;
Keep History - if ticked this data will be recorded in the MIS when an account that is linked to it is dialled;
PII - identifies the column as Personal Identifiable Information.  This allows these columns to be scrambled if the customer requests the right to be forgotten;
OutBound Synchronization - allows the field to be mapped to one of the standard rostrvm outbound dialler fields.  Whenever either of these fields are updated (i.e. either through the use of the rostrvm CLIPboard or directly) the other is updated also.
- For outbound dialler campaigns at least one of these fields needs to map onto one of the Telephone Number (1-4) fields.
- The Callback Notes field allows the agents to add and view related notes to this data store record when they are setting a callback for the associated account.  If required, this field should be added and set to type Text.  To invoke this feature configure the Notes field mapping on the General tab of the Call Class Groups properties.


From here you can:

Add Column - click this button to add a new column to the data store;
Keep All/None - click this button to set or clear all Keep History columns;
Delete Column - click the bin icon at the far right of the column in order to delete it.



From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the Data Stores report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry;
View Data - clicking this button navigates to the Manage Data report so that the data can be viewed and manipulated as required;
CallGuide - if the data store is to be used with CallGuide scripting then clicking this button will create a CallGuide Web Form template based on this definition.  This can then be viewed and changed as for any other CallGuide page using the CallGuide Web Script Editor.