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This report allows you to search customer data records for a specific string (normally a telephone number or full name) and to view the results for each data store selected. The resultant data can then either be exported to a CSV file (which satisfies the requirements of GDPR request for information contained about an individual), or pre-configured fields containing personally identifiable information (PII) about an individual scrambled (right to be forgotten).
General Panel
You can enter the details to allow one or more data stores to be searched for a specific string.
• | Search - the string for which to search. This would normally be a telephone number, email address or potentially the customer name. It should be noted that the search performs a full string match (and will not perform partial matches) and so for a name in particular, the search string must be precise. |
• | Data Stores - a list of data stores in which to search. |
• | Results - the results are displayed on individual tabs, one for each data store. Each action described below is applied to a single tab only (i.e. you will need to repeat any operations on each time should you so desire). |
From here you can:
• | Export to CSV - once you have retrieved the required data, click the Export to CSV button to export it to a file in your downloads directory. |
• | Scramble - it is possible to scramble a number of fields on the retrieved data and then save it back into the data store (i.e. to satisfy a customer request for the right to be forgotten). The fields to be scrambled are selectable from the data store properties. These fields are highlighted on the results pane. Click the tick box on the left of the row (or the tick box on the title bar for all records) and the highlight fields will become scrambled. You can unscramble by de-selecting the tick box before saving. Click the Save button to apply the changes to the database. Note: Once you have saved you cannot unscramble the data, the operation is irreversible. |