<Data Stores and Import Profiles Report How to navigate to this page> Typical display>
Manage the properties of an individual import profile.
An Import Profile basically defines how data is read from an data file and subsequently written to an internal rostrvm data store. It consists of:
• | An data file from which the data is retrieved; |
• | An internal rostrvm data store into which the data is imported; |
• | A set of column mappings that describe how to copy data from the data file into the internal rostrvm data store. |
General Tab
General information defining your import profile.
• | Import Profile Name - a unique name for the new import profile; |
• | File Format - the format of the columns in the import files (such as CSV Delimited, Tab Delimited, Pipe Delimited, Delimited, Fixed Length, etc.); |
• | The first line of the file contains column headings - a check box which determines whether or not the import file contains a header row that is used to define the columns; |
• | Date Format - the format of any date columns in the import files. The drop down list gives a selection of the more common formats (see the Microsoft Office Access - Format Property Date/Time Data Type - Custom Formats for a full list of what is available); |
• | Import records into OutBound for dialling - this allows additional outbound specific data to be defined through extra fields on this tab, and through the OutBound tab; |
• | Import Mode - to set whether imported data from the data file is to overwrite existing data, added as a new record, or an existing record updated; |
• | Handling of records with duplicate telephone numbers and/or account references - you can either allow duplicate telephone numbers, exclude duplicate records within the same list, or exclude duplicate records within the same campaign (as long as the list is assigned to a campaign); |
• | Check records against TPS - to set whether the data should be verified against a TPS list. |
Custom Tab
On list data import it is possible to invoke a CallDirector script in order to process the data. This allows setting of callbacks, send emails, setting account priorities, sending emails and so on.
• | Script - from the drop-down menu select a script to apply to newly imported data. In the routing script, you can use the GetNextRecord node to retrieve the record data for processing. An example script Data Import Example is provided as a template. |
From here you can:
• | Properties - click this button to navigate to the CallDirector script Properties page; |
Files Columns Tab
This tab allows you to define the columns that make up your input file. The columns appear in the order in which they are expected in the file and may be dragged into the correct ordering as required.
• | Column Name - the name of the column; |
• | Type - the type of column (string, integer, real, date, time, datetime, boolean); |
• | Width - for fixed width file formats it is necessary to define the column width here. |
From here you can:
• | Add Column - click this button to add a new column to the profile; |
• | Upload Sample File - if you have a sample file, click this button to allow you to navigate and select an example import file. Once selected rostrvm will automatically detect and apply the file format to create the column definition; |
• | Delete Column - click the bin icon at the far right of the column in order to delete it. |
Data Store Tab
This tab allows you to link your import profile to a internal Data Store. You can then change the mappings between your source file and the columns in the database.
• | Data Store Column - the name of the data store column in the database to which the mapped data will be imported; |
• | Source - the name of the column in the import file from where the data is to be read. To change this click on the drop-down menu and select the required entry. As well as specific column names from your source file you can also select some pre-defined values (such as the import date, time, or for outbound data stores, ACCOUNT information from the DLR_ACCOUNTS table). You may also enter a custom expression as defined below. |
From here you can:
• | Data Store - select the data store to which the information imported using this import profile is to be stored (note that inbound data stores created with the Call History Collection Only field set will not appear in this drop-down list); |
Source - Custom Expressions
Text can be typed in to the Source field to provide special handling for the column.
If the value is preceded by a | character, the remaining entry can be a space separated list of external columns - in this case the import will use the value of the first non-blank column from the list given.
If the value is preceded by an = character, the remaining entry will be inserted into the destination column. In this case any column names from the data file preceded by a $ character will be substituted with their values. In the case where the column is in the middle of some text curly braces can be put around the name. For example, a name could be concatenated together from two separate name columns:
=$forename $surname
Note: If the column name contains spaces you will need to add curly braces around the column names, for example:
=${first name} ${last name}
In addition a number of special codes are defined for elements of the date:
• | %a - An abbreviation (e.g., Mon) for the day of the week in the given locale. |
• | %A - The full name (e.g., Monday) of the day of the week in the given locale. |
• | %b - An abbreviation (e.g., Jan) for the name of the month in the given locale. |
• | %B - The full name (e.g., January) of the month in the given locale. |
• | %c - A localized representation of date and time of day; the localized representation is expected to use the Gregorian calendar. |
• | %C - The number of the century in Indo-Arabic numerals. |
• | %d - Produces the number of the day of the month, as two decimal digits. |
• | %D - Synonymous with %m/%d/%Y. |
• | %e - The number of the day of the month, as one or two decimal digits (with a leading blank for one-digit dates). |
• | %g - Produces a two-digit year number suitable for use with the week-based ISO8601 calendar; that is, the year number corresponds to the week number produced by %V. |
• | %G - Produces a four-digit year number suitable for use with the week-based ISO8601 calendar; that is, the year number corresponds to the week number produced by %V. |
• | %h - Synonymous with %b. |
• | %H - Produces a two-digit number giving the hour of the day (00-23) on a 24-hour clock. |
• | %I - Produces a two-digit number giving the hour of the day (12-11) on a 12-hour clock. |
• | %j - Produces a three-digit number giving the day of the year (001-366). |
• | %J - Produces a string of digits giving the Julian Day Number. On input, accepts a string of digits and interprets it as a Julian Day Number. The Julian Day Number is a count of the number of calendar days that have elapsed since 1 January, 4713 BCE of the proleptic Julian calendar. The epoch time of 1 January 1970 corresponds to Julian Day Number 2440588. |
• | %k - Produces a one- or two-digit number giving the hour of the day (0-23) on a 24-hour clock. |
• | %l - Produces a one- or two-digit number giving the hour of the day (12-11) on a 12-hour clock. |
• | %m - Produces the number of the month (01-12) with exactly two digits. |
• | %M - Produces the number of the minute of the hour (00-59) with exactly two digits. |
• | %N - Produces the number of the month (1-12) with one or two digits, and a leading blank for one-digit dates. |
• | %p - Produces an indicator for the part of the day, am or pm, appropriate to the given locale. If the script of the given locale supports multiple letterforms, lowercase is preferred. |
• | %P - Produces an indicator for the part of the day, AM or PM, appropriate to the given locale. If the script of the given locale supports multiple letterforms, uppercase is preferred. |
• | %r - Produces a locale-dependent time of day representation on a 12-hour clock. |
• | %R - Produces a locale-dependent time of day representation on a 24-hour clock. |
• | %s - Produces the times as a number of seconds since midnight 1st January 1970. |
• | %S - Produces a two-digit number of the second of the minute (00-59). |
• | %t - Produces a TAB character. |
• | %T - Synonymous with %H:%M:%S. |
• | %u - Produces the number of the day of the week (1→Monday, 7→Sunday). |
• | %U - Produces the ordinal number of the week of the year (00-53). The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. |
• | %V - Produces the number of the ISO8601 week as a two digit number (01-53). Week 01 is the week containing January 4; or the first week of the year containing at least 4 days; or the week containing the first Thursday of the year (the three statements are equivalent). Each week begins on a Monday. |
• | %w - Produces the ordinal number of the day of the week (Sunday==0; Saturday==6). |
• | %W - Produces a week number (00-53) within the year; week 01 begins on the first Monday of the year. |
• | %x - Produces the date in a locale-dependent representation. |
• | %X - Produces the time of day in a locale-dependent representation. |
• | %y - Produces the two-digit year of the century. |
• | %Y - Produces the four-digit calendar year. |
• | %z - Produces the current time zone, expressed in hours and minutes east (+hhmm) or west (-hhmm) of Greenwich. |
• | %Z - Produces the current time zone's name, possibly translated to the given locale. |
• | %% - Produces a literal “%” character. |
• | %+ - Synonymous with “%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y”. |
So, for example, the following would insert the date into the destination column in standard UK format:
This can be combined with the $ column substitutions; for example:
OutBound Tab
This screen is only applicable if your import profile and data store is being used as part of the rostrvm outbound product (i.e. being used to create an OutBound dialling list). To do this at least 1 Telephone number field needs to be mapped. If this is done then an outbound list is created automatically. If not then it is not.
Using this dialog, other data fields from your import data can also be mapped to the outbound system fields in DLR_ACCOUNTS (the customer NAME is a common example of this).
• | OutBound Information - a description of the column in the rostrvm outbound DLR_ACCOUNTS table to where the imported data should be copied. |
• | Import Column - the name of your customer specific data store column from where the data should be sourced. |
From here you can:
• | Save - click the Save button to apply the changes. If this is a new entry it will appear on the Data Stores report; |
• | Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry; |
• | Clone - to copy the selected import profile to another new profile click this button. Once a new name is entered you can modify any of the other details and then click the Save button to save your new import profile to the database; |
• | Import Data - click this button to invoke the import data dialog. |