<CallDirector Scripts Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of a specific routing script.

General Tab

Details of the script.

Name - this should be set to a unique name for your new routing script;
Select a template or import file for the new script - initially set to the Empty Routing Script template. This can be changed to one of the pre-defined routing script templates or import file.


Routing Numbers Tab

Allows the new routing script to be assigned to one or more routing numbers by using the arrow buttons to move between Available and Selected:

Available / Current Assignment - shows which routing numbers are available and to which script they are currently assigned;
Selected / Current Assignment - shows which routing numbers are selected and to which script they are currently assigned.


Versions Tab

It is possible to have multiple versions of the same routing script, although normally one version will suffice.  For each version:

Version - the version number of the script;
Description - a textual description for this instance;
Locked - the version of the script has been locked and therefore cannot be altered (i.e. read only).  Should changes be required they need to be unlocked first;
Status - the status of the script, either Active or Inactive.  Only one version can be active at any one time, and it may not be deleted.
Modified by User - the name of the rostrvm user who created this version of the script;
Timestamp - the date and time at which this version was created.


By clicking on the instance Description a number of operations are available from the drop-down menu:

Edit - launches CallDirector editor so that the script can be altered as required;
Activate / Deactivate - sets the script live or not;
Lock - locks the script so that this instance can no longer be changed.  Once an instance of the script is locked it cannot be unlocked.  If the script is edited and changed then a new version is created when it is saved;
Copy - copies this version of the script into another routing script;
Export - download a file that allows this script to be copied to another rostrvm system;
Delete - delete this version of the script after confirmation has been provided.  Note that locked scripts cannot be deleted.


Advanced Tab

Advanced settings for load-sharing.

CallDirector Script Routing Engine Instance Number - this identifies the instance of the rostrvm SRE component to be used to service call requests for this routing script.  This will normally be left as 1 and should only be changed if multiple SREs are run for load-sharing purposes.



From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the CallDirector Scripts report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry.