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Campaign administration is the key area of day-to-day rostrvm OutBound management, since it allows the supervisor to administer the dialling campaigns and define exactly how dialling will be performed. In addition, the campaign administration function allows supervisors to associate their campaigns with dialling lists and to monitor campaign progress.
Campaigns Panel
A list of campaigns.
• | Campaign - an icon to show the campaign status (active, suspended, waiting) and the name of the campaign. Hover over the icon to see the status reason as the tool tip; |
• | Type - the type of campaign (Preview, Progressive, Predictive or Template); |
• | Agent Group - the agent group associated with the campaign; |
• | Agents - the number of agents currently logged on to the campaign; |
• | Utilisation - the percentage of logged on time that agents have spent in busy, wrap-up and preview states for the current day in the agent group assigned to this campaign; |
• | Nuisance Rate % - the current nuisance rate of the campaign; |
• | Attempts - the number of attempted campaign outbound calls; |
• | Available - the number of accounts that are available to dial after any filters have been applied; |
• | Unused - the number of unused accounts; |
• | Callback - the number of accounts that have a callback scheduled; |
• | Priority - the number of accounts that have a priority; |
• | Terminated - the number of accounts that are terminated; |
• | Filter - the filter applied to the campaign; |
• | Filtered Out - the number of accounts that have been filtered out. |
From here you can:
• | Create Campaign - click the Create button on the Campaigns panel to either add a new campaign, or to copy (clone) an existing campaign which can then be modified as required; |
• | Campaign - click on the campaign name to change the properties of an existing campaign; |
• | Assign Lists - click on the campaign name and select List Assignment from the drop-down menu to navigate directly to the campaign properties List tab where the lists associated with this campaign can be changed; |
Lists Panel
A table of all lists for all campaigns. Contact Lists define collections of customer account records that have been imported into rostrvm. Facilities are available to manage and search the contact lists, and to display and view and modify specific customer records. association).
• | List Name - the name of the list; |
• | Campaign - the name of the campaign(s) to which the list is assigned; |
• | Accounts - the total number of accounts in the list; |
• | Terminated - the number of terminated accounts; |
• | Connected - the number of connected accounts (i.e. accounts that resulted in an agent/customer connection); |
• | Callbacks - the number of system and agent scheduled callbacks in the list; |
• | Filter - the name of the filter that is applied to the list; |
• | Filtered Out - the number of filtered out accounts. |
From here you can:
• | Modify List - click on the list name and select Properties to modify the properties of an existing list; |
• | De-Duplicate Accounts - click the name of the list and select this option from the drop-down menu to de-duplicate accounts in this list; |
• | Operations - click the name of the list and select Operations from the drop-down menu to perform various operations on a list; |
• | Change State - click on the list name and select the appropriate action to change the state of the list; |
• | List Results - download the account details and customer data for a list. |