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It is possible to bulk send emails and/or SMS messages to all unused and call-back accounts associated with a campaign (all lists assigned to the Campaign) or a list (must be assigned to a Campaign).

This operation is a manual operation and (apart from the Email/SMS server details and Message Templates - see Pre-Requisites below) does not use the Campaign Properties set up for telephony dialling.


To send emails or SMS texts you must have an appropriate email account configured.  This is achieved through the Manager create Email Accounts dialog.

Also, at least one template should be configured using the OutBound Message Templates.

If there are no email addresses or SMS numbers associated with any of the accounts on this campaign then an alert dialog is displayed.

Status Panel

The Status panel shows how many accounts are valid for email or SMS for this campaign.

Unused and Callback Accounts - the total number of unused and callback accounts associated with this campaign;
With Email Address - the total number of accounts that have an email address associated with it;
With SMS Number - the total number of accounts that have an SMS number associated with it;
Emails/Texts Send From - the email address and/or SMS text number from which the emails and/or texts will be sent;
Emails/Texts Awaiting Send - the number of emails/SMS texts that are yet to be sent;
Sent - the number of emails/SMS texts that have been sent;
Failed - the number of emails/SMS texts that have been sent unsuccessfully.


The Status panel will update with the number of sent (or failed) email/SMS.

Note: Failed email/SMS will not be automatically re-tried.  Please check your rostrvm log file for details of failed email/SMS.

Preview Tab

This shows a preview of the template email or text to send.

Recipients Tab

Determines to which accounts the email or SMS text are to be sent.

Accounts with status - allows the setting of the account status to which the messages are to be sent;
Resend - determines what checks to make in determining to whom to send the messages.  By default this is set to All (i.e send the message to all appropriate recipients), however it can be set to check a period (last hour, day, week, month, year) such that if this message has already been sent to that recipient within the selected period then it will not be resent to them;
Active lists only - if ticked send the messages to active lists only, otherwise messages will be sent to all lists associated with this campaign.


Schedule Tab

Determines to which accounts the email or SMS text are to be sent.

Start Time - the date and time at which the message transmission should commence.  By default this is set to Use Current Time (i.e. the time that the Send Email button is clicked) as indicated by the check box being ticked.  This can be unticked to enter a specific date and time;
How Many? - how many messages should be transmitted in the given time period (how often);
How Often? - the time period in which the messages will be sent.



From here you can:

Click the Edit Templates button to launch File Editor to edit your pre-defined OutBound Message Templates.  Only text templates can be selected for sending as SMS messages.  Only users with permission to edit campaign properties will be able to send messages.
Click the appropriate Send button to schedule the email or SMS for transmission (this should be done within a minute of selection).  The Send buttons will only enable if there are valid accounts i.e. Accounts with either an email address or SMS number that have been imported into the email address or SMS Number fields configured in OutBound section of the relevant Import Profile.


OutBound Templates

As well as making telephone calls rostrvm OutBound can send both SMS and Email messages. Messages are based on template text interspersed with specific customer account data such as name ($ACCOUNT_NAME) and the contact telephone number ($ACCOUNT_SMS_NUMBER).

The template editor uses the SMS Templates or Email Templates editor to create message templates.