<Users Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of an individual user group entry.

General Tab

General information about the user group, and in particular AdVisor operation options for connected users belonging to this user group.

Name - a unique name for the new user group;
CallGuide Profile - if CallGuide is enabled, the name of the profile to use;
AdVisor Footprint - set one of the three Footprint modes to define the layout of the displays with CallGuide enabled, namely Classic, Digital Customer Service and Toolbar.  If CallGuide is not enabled then the display reverts to Sidebar mode;
Hide activity view on new call - check this tick box to ensure that the activity viewer window is hidden from view at the start of a call;
Minimum/Maximum Business Outcomes - the minimum and maximum number of business outcomes an agent must select before completing the call;
Instant Messaging Permissions - determines if the agent can send Instant Messages to other Users Only, other Users and Groups, Broadcast (i.e. everyone) or can Receive Only.  Selecting None disables Instant Messaging for this user group;
Include original message text when replying to a message - check this tick box to reply to the original message with the original text included;
Include original message test when forwarding a message - check this tick box to forward the original message with the original text included;
Personal Wallboard - the name of the personal wallboard to be made available to the agent;


From here you can:

Edit CallGuide Profile - click the Edit button to the right of the CallGuide Profile header to navigate to the File Editor in order to update the selected profile;
Properties - click the Properties button to the right of the CallGuide profile header to navigate to the CallGuide Profile properties page.


Users Tab

Allows the assignment of users to this user group.

Available / User Group - a list of all available users and the user group to which they currently belong;
Selected / User Group - a list of all selected users and the user group to which they now belong (i.e. this user group);
Arrow Keys - use these to move the users into this user group.  Users have to belong to a user groups and hence cannot be moved out, they can only be moved into another user group.


From here you can:

Create User - click the Create button to navigate to the New User dialog.


Skills Tab

If skill based routing or dialling is to be performed the skills associated with users belonging to this user.

Skill - set the skill assigned to all users in this user group.  Either select a skill from the pre-defined list or create a new skill by clicking the Create button;
Level - set the skill level for all users in this user group.  Note that a skill level of None effectively removes this skill from the user group, although this does not override any individual user settings.


Logoff Reasons Tab

This tab defines which logoff reason codes available to the agent when they logoff the ACD.  These are user status codes to be used as logoff reasons.

Available - a full list of user status codes that have not already been selected as a logoff reason;
Selected - a list of user status codes that have been selected as logoff reasons to be displayed for selection by the agent.


From here you can:

Add a specific number of logoff reasons to the list of Selected codes by highlighting the required entry or entries from the Available window and clicking the -> button.  To add all the logoff reasons click the >> button.
Remove a specific number of logoff reasons from the list of Selected codes by highlighting the required entry or entries from the Selected window and clicking the <- button.  To remove all the logoff reasons click the << button.
New Logoff Code - click this button to create a new user status code to be added to the available list so that it can then be selected as a logoff reason;
Change Display Order - highlight the required entry and use the up and down arrows to change the order in which the code are displayed in AdVisor.


Not Ready Reasons Tab

This tab defines which not ready reason codes available to the agent when they set their agent state to not ready.  These are user status codes to be used as not ready reasons.

Available - a full list of user status codes that have not already been selected as a not ready reason;
Selected - a list of user status codes that have been selected as not ready reasons to be displayed for selection by the agent.


From here you can:

Add a specific number of not ready reasons to the list of Selected codes by highlighting the required entry or entries from the Available window and clicking the -> button.  To add all the not ready reasons click the >> button.
Remove a specific number of not ready reasons from the list of Selected codes by highlighting the required entry or entries from the Selected window and clicking the <- button.  To remove all the not ready reasons click the << button.
New Not Ready Code - click this button to create a new user status code to be added to the available list so that it can then be selected as a no ready reason.
Change Display Order -  highlight the required entry and use the up and down arrows to change the order in which the code are displayed in AdVisor.


Permissions Tab

Allows the setting of the permissions for which users in this user group are allowed to view in the MIS reports.

Queue - select the call classes / campaign that the users in this user group are allowed to view;
Call Class - select the queues that the users in this user group are allowed to view;
Manager Display - select the MIS displays that the users in this user group are allowed to view;
User Group - select the user groups that the users in this user group are allowed to view;
Copy from another group - allows the permission for this user to be copied from another user or user group.


Use the arrow keys to move an item between Available and Selected.  For each option a tick box allows All items to be selected.

Visibility Tab

Allows the setting of individual users and user groups that are allowed to view this user group in the MIS displays.

User Groups - set which user groups can view this user group;
Users - set which users can view this user group.


Use the arrow keys to move an item between Available and Selected.


From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the Users report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry;
AdVisor Profile (User Group) - click this button to launch the AdVisor Profile configuration utility for this user group.