<Users Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of an individual agent group entry.

General Tab

General information about the agent group.

Agent Group Name - the name for the new agent group;
Description - a textual description.  This is shown on some of the MIS reports rather than the device name.


Users Tab

Allows the assignment of users (agents) to this agent group.

Available / Selected - users can be assigned to this agent group by highlighting the required entry (or entries) and clicking the arrow buttons to move between Available and Selected.


Contact Handling Tab

Details of how the users belonging to this agent group should handle the various contact types.  These can be overridden on a per user basis.

Wrap Up Timeout - this specifies the time an agent will spend in wrap up at the end of a call to be specified. The timeout type can be: Infinite, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 minutes or you can specify a number of seconds;
Auto Answer ACD Calls / Auto Answer Non ACD Calls - this specifies if rostrvm will provide auto-answer for calls received at the switch. It can be configured to either As for Telephony Properties, No, Immediate, Allow Agent to Set (ACD only), or a specified number of seconds (where 0 is the same as immediate).  The auto answer can be set differently for ACD delivered calls and non-ACD delivered calls. However, be aware that a direct consultation call and transfer (particularly from a line whilst the call is queued) is treated as a non-ACD call rather than an ACD call;
Busy / Not Ready / Wrap Up Routes - this specifies an alternative route if a direct call is made to agent in any of these states.  Note that this does not apply to ACD calls, these are only presented to Ready agents;
Maximum Voice / Email / Chat Contacts - sets the number of voice, email and chat contacts that can be handled simultaneously.  For voice this is either 0 (can't handle voice contacts) or 1 (the default).  For email and chats this can be any number (although a sensible limit is advised);
Voice / Email / Chat Contact Rules - determines whether each type of contact can interrupt any, one or all of the other types of contact.  It is normal to allow emails to interrupt voice and chat, and to allow voice and chat to interrupt emails only.  It is not recommended to allow voice calls to interrupt chats and vice versa.
Agent Idle Timeout - the number of seconds that an agent can remain in the Ready state until an agent Idle event is generated over the HTTP Restful API event stream (see USM/002 rostrvm InterFace Reference Guide for details).


Each of the fields on this page has an As for Switch Properties option (this is the default setting).  This means that the agent group settings will be taken from whatever is configured for the switch to which this group belongs (i.e. Contact Handling tab under Telephony Properties).

Inbound Tab

The inbound ACD queues that service this agent group.

Assign Queues - allows the assignment of which queues will service this agent group (i.e. contacts that pass through these queues will be presented to agents that are logged in to this agent group).  A new queue can be created by clicking the Create button.


Simulation Tab

This tab allows agent simulation for load testing and demonstrations to be configured and controlled.

Outbound Tab

The outbound campaign assigned to this agent group.

Campaign - for outbound agent groups, the campaign to which the agents logged in to this group belong.


ResourceBroker Tab

ResourceBroker allows users to be moved between groups, define skills under this tab to state the skills a user is required to have before that user is moved into the agent group (see ResourceBroker for detailed functionality).

Move Agents into the Group - performance targets are rules that are set and used by ResourceBroker to automatically move agents from one agent group to another as and when required.  This dialog allows the setting of such targets to move agents into an agent group.
Move Agent out of the Group - allows the setting of performance targets to move agents out of an agent group.
Assign Skills - allows the setting of the required skills that agents require to move into this agent group.  A new skill can be created by clicking the Create button.
Level - the skill level required by an agent to move into this group.


Advanced Tab

Identifies to which switch these agent groups belong.

Switch - the switch to which this agent group belongs;
Switch Reference - the reference by which the controlling switch refers to the agent group. For softACD this is the same as the agent group name and hence will be blank.  However, this must NOT contain spaces (hence if this is blank the Agent Group Name also must NOT contain spaces) unless the switch in question requires multiple references for an agent group.



From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the Users report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry.