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A system management control facility is provided to allow the system manager to start, stop, monitor and maintain a rostrvm system. This service is provided through a server component that resides on the rostrvm server(s), and the System Control interface which acts as the client front end allowing the system manager to perform everyday maintenance operations.

rostrvm consists of a number of components which communicate with each other in a distributed client server architecture. These components can be split into a number of separate distinct groups:

rostrvm Server - the core component of the system that controls communications between the other rostrvm components;
Product components - a number of essential processes that provide the different types of services that comprise your rostrvm system;
Applications - a number of client applications that give the user access to the services provided by rostrvm.


System Control in Manager provide the client interface that allows the system manager to monitor and maintain the other rostrvm components.  It  consists of a number of Manager Reports constructed and managed in the same way as for any other administration functions.  However, rather than using the term "Report" to distinguish between the different functional displays, we use the term "window" throughout this section instead.

System Processes Panel

This is effectively the main window of System Control.  It displays the rostrvm server components along with status information for each one, and provides access to other system functions, reports and dialogs.

Server Process - the process name of the component;
Host - the host on which it can be run (or is running for active processes);
Process State (port) - the state of the component (one of Suspended, Initiating, Ready), and if applicable the the TCP/IP port number being used by the component (e.g. 5060, 5090);
Version - the rostrvm version number (includes the release and build versions);
PID - the Process Id;
Log Severity - the log severity associated with that component.


From here you can:

Stop and Start individual components or the whole system;
Invoke the Log Viewer report;
Examine and download historical Log and Trace files;
Reconfigure and change various trace and debug options on each component, as well as reconfigure the whole system;
Enable and disable Auto Start.