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rostrvm CallDirector is configured so that when a contact (call, email, chat, SMS) is received a routing script is run to determine how the call is to be routed onwards to its destination.  A number of items relating to these routing scripts can be configured from this report.

Global Variables Panel

Global variables can be defined for use by any routing script under CallDirector control.  It allows data to be changed without the need to edit the script or multiple scripts.  An example of a use for a global variable is CallCentreClosed.  This could be used by all scripts to route the call to an external number should it ever be set.  In an emergency the contact centre supervisor can simple set the global variable to TRUE without the need to edit each individual script.

WARNING: Global variables should not be used as a 'general purpose' facility.  They are inefficient when running in scripts as they are shared amongst all the running scripts and are updated in real time between the scripts (which involves locking, database writes, etc). Script variables should be used in preference wherever possible.

This panel shows:

Name - the name of the global variable;
Value - the default value.


From here you can:

Create - click the Create button on the Global Variables panel to add a new entry;
Modify - click on the global variable name to change the properties of an existing entry.


Calendars Panel

Shows a list of all configured Calendars where you can specify the Call Centre opening/closing times.  These can be used inside CallDirector scripts to allow different paths and functions to be performed depending on time and date ranges defined on the selected calendar (e.g. play office closed message on Fridays after 2:00pm, bank holidays, etc.).  If a calendar is assigned to the OnDate command with a script then it will return TRUE if the date is inside a defined date range, and return FALSE if it is not.

Default calendars are provided (e.g. standard bank holidays for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), along with the ability to add and modify customer calendars.

This panel shows:

Calendar Group - the name for this calendar template.


From here you can:

Create - click the Create button on the Calendars panel and select New Calendar from the drop-down menu to add a new entry;
Modify - click on the calendar name to change the properties of an existing entry.


Speech Recognition Panel

Shows a list of all the configured speech recognition profiles. These are used within CallDirector scripts to configure Recognise Speech nodes.  This performs speech recognition on a recording or live speech from the remote party.

This panel shows:

Profile - the name of the speech recognition profile;
Model - which model to use for text to speech transcription;
Language - the language being transcribed;
Type - the type of function to be invoked (i.e. IMI bot or automatic speech recognition).


From here you can:

Create - click the Create button on the Speech Recognition panel to add a new entry;
Modify - click on the profile name to change the properties of an existing entry.