<Outcomes and Categories Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of an individual outcome category.

General Tab

The identity if the category.

Name - a unique name for the category;
Show this category in summary reports - tick box to determine if this category in included the the summary reports or not;
Allow AdVisors to select outcomes with this category - if set outcomes with this category will be available for selection from Web AdVisor.


Outcomes Tab

Allows you to set the outcomes that belong to this category.

Available - a list of all available outcomes;
Selected - a list of all selected outcomes which belong to this category;
Arrow Keys - use these to move the outcomes between Available and Selected.



From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the Outcomes/Categories report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry (user defined categories only).