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Note: Business Outcomes are also referred to as Activity Codes.
Business Outcomes form part of the data associated with a contact used by client applications. They can be tracked and viewed through Manager on various MIS displays. The Business Outcomes are allocated during the contact by rostrvm CallGuide or set at the end of the contact or during the wrap-up period. The agent's desktop software can be configured to automatically prompt the agent to select code(s) from an appropriate set on completion of the contact. For reporting purposes these Business Outcomes can be grouped together in categories to separate out some of the more important ones.
Outcomes Panel
A list of the business outcomes configured in your system.
• | Outcome - the name of the new business outcome. Pre-defined outcomes are identified with the cog icon to the left of the name and cannot be changed. |
• | Type - the type of the business outcome (Integer, String, Enumerated); |
• | Category - the category (or categories) to which this business outcome belongs. |
From here you can:
• | Create Outcome - click the Create button on the Outcomes panel to add a new entry; |
• | Modify Outcome - click on the outcome name to view or change the properties of an existing entry. Note that if this business outcome is set by any of the CallDirector scripts then a warning dialog is displayed on the Outcome Properties page warning the user of this. |
Categories Panel
• | Category - the name of the category. Pre-defined categories are identified with the cog icon to the left of the name and cannot be changed. |
• | Reportable - choose whether this category should be displayed in the Manager displays (default is Yes so it will show); |
• | Outcomes - the number of business outcomes that belong to this category. |
From here you can:
• | Create Category - click the Create button on the Categories panel to add a new entry; |
• | Modify Category - click on the category name to view or change the properties of an existing entry; |
• | Order Categories - click the Order button on the Categories panel to change the order in which the categories are displayed (both here and on the default Home page Category Summary panel). |
Associate Business Outcomes with Categories
This can be achieved in a number of ways.
1. | From the Configure category page by moving the outcomes between the Available list and Selected list using the arrow buttons and clicking the Save button. |
2. | From the Configure outcome page by moving the category between the Available list and Selected list using the arrow buttons and clicking the Save button. |
System Category Business Outcomes
There is a pre-defined category of System with a number of pre-defined business outcomes associated with it. These are set automatically by the rostrvm system to reflect the outcome of some specific contact scenarios. Following is a list of these, along with a brief description of in what scenarios they are generally set (note that each outcome may be set in other scenarios also).
10001 |
Contact Forward |
A contact at an agent (i.e. an email) has been forwarded on elsewhere. |
10002 |
Contact Replied |
A contact at an agent (i.e. an email) has been replied to. |
10003 |
Nuisance Call |
A predictive outbound call was answered by the customer but did not get routed to an agent. |
10004 |
No Answer |
An outbound call has not been answered by the customer. |
10005 |
Abandoned |
An inbound call was not answered by an agent before it was hung-up by the customer. |
10006 |
Busy |
An outbound call to a customer number returned busy. |
10007 |
Answer Machine |
An outbound call to a customer number either detected an answer machine of the agent heard an answer machine and set the outcome thus. |
10008 |
The call was handled entirely by an IVR (AutoAgent). |
10009 |
Overflowed |
The call was moved from one routing number to another routing number. |
10010 |
Failed |
The outbound call to a customer failed for an unknown reason. |
10011 |
Callback |
An outbound call has resulting in the customer requesting and the agent setting an immediate callback. |
10012 |
Voice Mail Left |
An inbound call resulted in a voice mail being left. |
10013 |
Voice Mail Read |
A voice mail has been accessed and read by an agent. |
10014 |
Queueback |
The inbound call from the customer is queued and they have selected the option to be called back when an agent becomes available. |
10015 |
Skipped |
An outbound preview call has skipped without being dialled, and no other business outcome was provided by the agent (i.e. no skip call reason was given). |
10016 |
Introductory Message |
An outbound email or SMS chat was automatically generated by the dialler prior to making a telephone call to the customer. |
10017 |
Terminating Message |
An outbound email or SMS chat was automatically generated by the dialler after a telephone call to the customer has been hung-up. |
10018 |
General Message |
An outbound email or SMS has been generated by the system as a bulk scheduled task. |
10019 |
Redial Rule |
No longer used - backwards compatibility only. |
10020 |
Testing |
For internal use only to indicate that this is a call that was generated to test the system rather than it being a customer call. |
10021 |
System |
A system alert was emailed to rostrvm support. |
10022 |
Unavailable |
The call has failed as a result in some specific switch or gateway dependant codes that normally imply a temporary loss of service. |
10023 |
Hung Up After Answer |
The customer has hung-up a call made from a predictive campaign before the call has been routed to and answered by an agent. |
10024 |
Max Exceeded |
The outbound call failed but no redial rule was applied as it has exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts. |
10025 |
Dial Cancelled |
An outbound call has been cancelled whilst still alerting but not by the dialler (most likely by the agent). This will be set in addition to outcome 10004 - No Answer. |
10026 |
Call Rejected |
An outbound calls was rejected by the customer (mobile phone feature). |
10027 |
Spam |
The email has been identified as spam. |
10028 |
Blacklist |
The remote party has been blacklisted from further web chats. |
10029 |
Manager Terminated |
This contact was terminated from rostrvm Manager administration. |
10030 |
Pickup |
This call was picked up by another user. |
10031 |
No Skills |
An incoming call was cleared as there were no agents available with the appropriate skill to handle the call. |