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rostrvm tracks the status of the system and generates notifications to alert the contact centre supervisor or system manager of any error conditions. Most of these notifications are transient and will disappear once the error condition has been rectified.

Notifications Panel

Shows details of the outstanding system notifications.

Raised - the date and time that the notification was raised;
Severity - the severity of the notification (information, warning, error);
Component - the rostrvm component that raised the notification;
Description - a description of the issue or event.


From here you can:

Delete an entry by clicking the Delete Item button to the right of the entry, although most will be removed from the display automatically once the condition has been rectified;
For the Call in progress for longer that 6 hours notification, click on the Description to navigate to the Call Details report for this call.  From here you can terminate the call by clicking the call terminate button (note that this simply terminates the call in the MIS and does not terminate the actual call should it still exist).