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A Management Information report showing the details of a single call.

Quick View Panel

This panel will be green if a business outcome was set, red if no business outcome was set or purple for failed calls.

Call Start - the date and time of the start of the call;
Duration - the total duration of the call in seconds;
Type - the type of call (one of Inbound, Outbound, Predictive, Preview, Progressive, Manual Outbound, Dialler Manual, Inbound Email, Outbound Email, Dialler Email, Inbound Chat, Outbound Chat, Dialler SMS, Preview Cancelled);
Outcome - the call outcome;
Call Class - the call class of the call.


From here you can:

If the call has been in progress for longer that 6 hours you can terminate the call by clicking the Call Terminate button on the right.  This simply terminates the call in the MIS and does not terminate the actual call should it still exist.


Breakdown Panel

Shows the details relating to each leg of the call.

Start - the time of the start of this leg of the call;
End - the time of end of this leg of the call;
Action - the type of leg (Outbound, Inbound, Failed, Preview, Conference, Transfer In, Outbound Consultation, Monitoring, Recovered, IVR, Queued, Routing, Inbound Consultation, Hunting, Queueback);
Script - the CallDirector script currently associated with the device;
Device - the device associated with this leg;
Other Party - the remote end of the connection;
Class/Campaign - the inbound call class or outbound campaign;
User Name - the user name connected to this device;
Queued - the number of seconds that the call was queued;
Answer - the number of seconds that the call was alerting before being answered or cleared;
Held - the number of seconds that the call was put on hold by an agent;
IVR/Talk - the number of seconds that this leg was at an IVR (if an IVR) or talking to an agent (if an agent);
Transferred - if the call was transferred or routed to an station, the number that the device to which it was transferred.


From here you can:

Play recording - if this contact has been recorded (voice and/or screen) then click on the play button to begin the playback dialog.


Single Call Summary Panel

More details relating to a single call.

Call - the call reference;
Outcome - call business outcome of the call;
Reason - the reason for the call (for example Outbound, Inbound, Internal, CALL_BACK, AGENT CALL BACK, SYSTEM_CALLBACK, NUISANCE CALL BACK, etc.);
Remote - the remote party of the call;
Dialled Digits - the number that the customer dialled;
Class/Campaign - the inbound call class or outbound campaign;
Routing Time - the total duration of routing leg(s) (time at the routing number) of the call;
IVR Time - the total duration of IVR leg(s) of the call;
Queue Time - the total duration of queue leg(s) of the call;
Talk Time - the duration of all talk time for the call;
Queue - for inbound calls, the queue on which the call was queued or through which the call arrived;
Skill - for inbound calls, the skill that was allocated to the call;
Campaign - for outbound calls, the campaign name from which the call was launched;
List - for outbound calls, the list name to which the account for which the call was launched belongs;
Account Ref - for outbound calls, the reference of the account for which the call was launched;
Preview Time - the preview time of the call;
Transferred - if the call was transferred, the number to which the call was transferred.


Agent Breakdown Panel

Details of what the agents involved in the call did before and after the call.

Start - the start time for this agent activity;
User Name- the name of the user that was logged on;
Pre-Call Reason - what the agent was doing before the call started;
Pre-Call - the duration of the pre-call activity;
Busy - the time that the agent was actually busy on the call;
Wrap Up - the time that the agent spent in wrap up after the call was cleared.


Single Business Call Outcomes Panel

A summary of the call business outcomes for the call.

Outcome - the name of the business outcome (this can be changed by clicking the Change this outcome icon to the left - a change outcome dialog is displayed.  Change the details and click Confirm to apply the changes);
Code - the code of the business outcome that was selected by an agent;
Value - the sum of the values associated with the business outcome;
Category - the category(s) to which this business outcome belongs;
User Name - the name of the user that set the outcome.


From here you can:

Add - click the + (add) button to display the Add Call Outcome dialog.  From here you can enter a new business outcome from the drop-down list, and optionally enter a value associated with this outcome.  Click the Add button to add this new outcome to the call.
Delete - click the bin icon to the left of the outcome to remove this business outcome from the call.  From the Delete Call Outcome dialog click the Delete button to confirm the action.
Change - click the edit icon to the left of the outcome to change the business outcome for the call.  From the Change Call Outcome dialog select the new outcome from the drop-down menu, change the associated value as appropriate, and click the Confirm button to apply the changes.