<Manage Reports   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of your wallboard report.

It is possible to create a slideshow of displays by selecting the next display to show and the time before the next display is shown.  The scrolling message, if set, is shown at the top of the wallboard.

General Tab

This is a list of wallboard reports that should be displayed as a slide show.

Scrolling Message - a textual string, or an appropriate SQL select query, to be displayed as a scrolling message at the top of the wallboard - e.g. select 'number of calls',count(*) from CALLS where START_TIME>curdate().
Display duration - the time that this report is displayed before the next one in the list;
Report - the name of the report to be displayed as a wallboard (selectable from a drop-down menu of all available reports).



From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes;
Delete - click the Delete button at the right of the row to remove the entry from the slideshow;
Start Wallboard - click this button to display your wallboard or start your slideshow of wallboards;
Validate SQL Select Query - if you have provided an SQL query in the Scrolling Message field then click the Validate button to the right of the row.  If the query is valid then a green thumb is displayed next to the button.  If the query is invalid then a dialog box is displayed containing details of the error.