<CallDirector Setup Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of a speech recognition profile.  The functionality provided by this CallDirector node can be either from an IMI BOT (which translates and returns an appropriate response), or automatic text to speech recognition (which returns a transcript of the speech).


This page allows you to manage the properties of a speech recognition profile.

Name - the name of the profile;
Language - the language being transcribed;
Numbers - specifies how to return numeric values recognised in the speech (i.e. alphabetical or numeric);
Type - the type of function to be invoked (i.e. IMI bot or automatic speech recognition);
Pause Wait Time - text to speech prompt to be played to a remote party when a sentence has been detected and speech recognition is in progress.  Ok is a suitable value.
Recognition starting prompt -
Model Name - if the type is set to speech BOT, which model to use for text to speech transcription;
Platform - if the type is set to speech BOT, specifies on which platform the BOT is operating;
Access Token - if the type is set to speech BOT, this should be set to the access token that it requires (supplied when the system is installed);
URL - if the type is set to speech BOT, the speech recognition URL.



Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the CallDirector Setup report;
Delete - click the Delete button at the top of the report to delete this entry.