<Announcements Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of a specific announcement.

General Tab

Details used to uniquely identify the announcement.

Name - a unique name for the announcement;
Group - the group of announcements to which this belongs and under which it is displayed on the Announcements report.



From here you can:

Import - click the Import button to import an announcement from a wav file.  The standard file selection dialog is displayed.  Navigate to the required location, select the required file, and click the Open button to import the audio clip.
Delete - click the Delete button to delete this announcement;
Save - click the Save button to save a new or modified announcement;
Record - click the Record button to record a new sound;
Play/Pause/Resume - click the Play/Pause/Resume button to play the announcement, pause the playing of the announcement, and to resume the playing of a paused announcement.
Volume - adjust the volume of the playback using the increase and decrease volume buttons.  Clicking the value between these buttons will reset the volume back to 0.
Crop - use the crop button to remove unwanted sections of the recording.  Click the sound wave where you wish to start the crop, hold down the left mouse button and drag right along the sound wave to where you want the recording to end.  The section to be cropped is highlighted.  Click the crop button to set the highlighted section as the whole recording.
Download - to download this audio clip click the download button.  The save to wav file dialog is displayed.  Enter the name and location of the audio file and save it as normal.