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A Management Information report showing the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Decision Maker Contact (DMC) information relating to the call centre as a whole, individual agents, user groups, or campaigns.

KPIs and DMCs are business outcomes with the appropriate pre-defined outcome categories.

Dashboard KPI Panel

User Name / User Group / Campaign - the identity of the entry that is linked to the parameter selected;
DMC - the number of calls that are in the DMC outcome category;
KPI - the number of calls that are in the KPI outcome category
DMC per Connect - the percentage of calls categorised as DMC divided by the number of calls have connected;
KPI per DMC - the percentage of KPI categorised calls divided by the number DMC categorised calls;
DMC per Hour - the number of DMC categorised calls divided to the total logged on hours;
KPI per Hour - the number of KPI categorised calls divided by the number of logged on hours;
Contribution Total - the total value of any call that has been categorised as a KPI and is the type of Money;
Contribution per Hour - the total value of any call that has been categorised as a KPI and is the type of Money divided by the total logged on hours;
Contribution per DMC - the total value of any call that has been categorised as a KPI and is the type of Money divided by the number of calls that have been categorised as DMC;
Logged Hours - the sum of Not Ready Time, WrapUp Time, Ready Time and Busy Time.