<Web Chat Routing Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of an individual chat blacklist entry.

General Tab

Details of a Web Chat Blacklist listing.

Description - a textual description of the entry that is being blocked;
IP Address - if the IP Range box is not ticked, the single IP address to be blocked;
IP Address Start - if the IP Range box is ticked, the first IP address in the range to be blocked;
IP Address End - if the IP Range box is ticked, the last IP address in the range to be blocked;
IP Range - a tick box to determine whether a single entry or a range is to be set.



From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the Web Chat Routing report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry.