<Call Classes Report   How to navigate to this page>   Typical display>

Manage the properties of an individual call class.

General Tab

General information regarding this call class.

Name - a textual description for the new call class;
Contact Recording - determines whether or not calls of this class are not recorded, voice recorded only, or screen recorded by AuditLog;
Media Icon - optional icon associated with contacts of this call class.  This will be shown in the appropriate Manager admin screens and MIS displays where this call class appears (e.g. All Contacts).  To remove the icon association click the delete button to the right of this field.


Rules Tab

Optional rules can be added should the call class be assigned automatically by clicking the Add Rule button.  A new rule entry is added allowing the following to be configured:

Rules Type - the type of call class (either Inbound or Outbound);
Item - the item to check for automatic rule assignment.  This options available differ depending on the rule type.
For inbound this is one of:
- Destination - the Id of the device receiving the call;
- ACD Queue - the ACD queue through which the call arrived;
- Agent Id - the Id of the agent receiving the call;
- Trunk - the Id of the trunk on which the call arrived;
- Dialled Digits - the telephone number dialled by the caller (this may be the last n digits only, where n is normally 4);
- CLI - the Calling Line Identifier of the calling device.
For outbound this is one of:
- Destination - the telephone number of the device being called;
- Agent Group - the agent group to which the originating agent belongs;
- Agent Id - the Id of the originating agent;
Equals - the operation to apply (either equals or not equals).  The value is normally a telephony number, or a partial telephone number;
Comparison String - a free format string to compare against the configured Item.  Wild characters (%) can be used anywhere in the string, wild strings (*) can be used at the beginning or end.
And / Or - this field can be used to combine multiple conditions into a single rule.


From here you can:

Remove Rule - clicking the Remove Rule button on the right of the entry will remove this condition from the rule.


Visibility Tab

Allows the setting of individual users and user groups that are allowed to view contacts of this call class in the MIS displays.

User Groups - set which user groups can view contacts of this call class;
Users - set which users can view contacts of this call class.


Use the arrow keys to move an item between Available and Selected.


From here you can:

Save - click the Save button to apply the changes.  If this is a new entry it will appear on the Call Classes report;
Delete - click the Delete button to remove the entry.