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This page allows a number of advanced system settings to be set. So for example outbound settings that are global across all campaign and lists.
Outbound Tab
• | Call Backs Follow Agents - determines what action is taken when an agent has set a callback whilst logged onto campaign A, and this callback becomes due whilst they are then logged onto campaign B. Yes means that this callback will be dialled, No means it will not be dialled. |
• | Terminate Account on Redial Rule Blank Number - redial rules can be set up to phone a specific number. If that number is blank then by default the callback is still set but when invoked will choose one of the other numbers to dial instead. If this value is set to Yes then the callback will not be set if the specified number in the redial rule is blank. |
• | Answer Machine Busy Detection Time - this value allows automatic identification for agent classified answer machines to determine if the customer was actually busy or not (based on the time taken for the answer machine to answer). Do not change this value without consultation with Rostrvm Solutions Ltd. |
System Tab
• | Backup before purge - during a scheduled (or manual) MIS purge the data is simply deleted from the database. Selecting this option extracts the data for archive before the purge is performed (default is off). |
User Interface
The look and feel of the client user interface for both agents (Web AdVisor) and system administrators (Manager) can be changed by setting a different pre-defined Web Browser theme. Only a single theme can be set for all clients (i.e. you cannot set one theme for Web AdVisor and a different theme for Manager).
• | Theme - a list of pre-defined themes to be used for the client user interface; |
• | Logo - a list of the rostrvm pre-defined logo colours. |
It should be noted that the selected theme may not be adopted for some of the older administration applications which are launched from Manager.
From here you can:
• | Upload a new theme - to upload a new CSS file, click the upload file button to the left of the Theme field. Use the file explorer dialog to select an appropriate file to upload. Once uploaded the new theme is available from the drop-down list. |
• | Authentication key - this is used to secure communications between the rostrvm system and the IMIchat system. It should be set to the same value on each system. |
ResourceBroker Tab
ResourceBroker may be used to monitor the state of the agent groups within the contact centre, and display how they are performing with respect to the performance rules that have been specified. Some general timing configuration can be defined here.
• | Move Interval - this is the interval at which agent moves are performed; |
• | Update Interval - this is the interval at which switch/contact centre statistics are collated; |
• | Only move agents one at a time - if selected only one agent will be moved in or out of a group at a time, otherwise multiple agents may be moved in response to a rule. |
From here you can:
• | Save - click the Save button to apply the changes. |