How to navigate to this page> Typical display>
rostrvm requires a licence which determines which components you are allowed to run, how many devices and users the system will allow, and the number of each type that are currently in use.
System Details Panel
Shows general information about your rostrvm system.
• | Licence Expiry Date - the date on which your licence expires (note this is only displayed for the rtmadmin user); |
• | Customer - the name of the customer; |
• | Version - the version of the rostrvm software which is installed; |
• | Directory - the directory where it is installed. |
Licences Panel
Shows licence limits and usage pertaining to your rostrvm system. Licences that have no limitation are not shown.
• | Licence - The name of each licence; |
• | Total - for each licence, the total number available; |
• | Used - for each licence the number currently being used. |
From here you can:
• | Upload - click this button on the Licences panel to upload a new rostrvm licence. A file browser is displayed. Navigate to the required licence file and click open to upload your new licence. |
Licence History
Shows a history of the maximum licence usage for each recorded period of time.
• | Period - the period start time from when this maximum licence usage was recorded; |
• | Max in use - the maximum number of licence's in-use during the period. |
A new row is only inserted should the maximum number change within a 15 minute period.