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This page allows a number of advanced system settings relating to rostrvm integration with the IMIchat product to be set.
API Keys Tab
API keys are used to facilitate the usage of IMIchat's APIs for chat creation and user management.
• | Name - the name of this key; |
• | API Keys - the API key is auto-generated. However, you can refresh and replace it with a new one; |
• | Shared with - the Team Names across which this key should be shared. The API key can be used for chat or user operations in all teams that have been mentioned in this field; |
• | Status - shows whether the key is activated or not. |
From here you can:
• | Create a new key - click the Add API Key button to add a new entry. |
• | Modify an existing key - click on the Action column icon to the far right to view or change the properties of an existing entry. |
• | Change the Status of the key - click on the status column to change the status of the key. |
Blacklists Tab
The IMIchat application checks all the chat messages and Filters the Spam/Blacklisted words before sending it to the customers. The incoming messages are also verified for spam words and are replaced with an asterisk (*) before sending it to the agents. Here, the team manager can also provide the privilege of unmasking blacklisted words to the agents.
The Team Manager has the privilege to:
• | Configure the blacklisted words that need to be filtered out of the messages, or search for pre-configured blacklisted words. |
• | Configure the Email IDs of the recipients for whom a report will be sent if blacklisted words are found in messages. |
If the message typed by the agent contains any of the blacklisted words, a warning is shown and the message is not sent until that word is removed.
• | Default Blacklist - displays the default blacklisted words on the platform. These words cannot be deleted, but they can be Activated and Deactivated; |
• | Custom Blacklist - displays agent specific blacklisted words; |
• | Escalations - a list of Email Ids (separated by comma) that will be notified on the occurrence of blacklisted words in inbound and outbound messages; |
• | Allow agents to unmask - a tick box that if set gives permission to agents to unmask blacklisted words in inbound messages. |
From here you can:
• | Disable Blacklist Words - enter the word that needs to be disabled in the Search field, or select the word from the existing list of Active default words. Click on the Right Arrow icon to remove the word from the active list. The disabled blacklist word is moved to the Disabled section. |
• | Activate Blacklisted Words - click the Left Arrow icon from the Disabled section, a confirmation window is displayed. Click OK to remove the word from the white-listed words and activate the blacklisted word. |
• | Add Blacklisted Word - enter the word in the Custom Blacklist section and click Add Word. The word is displayed in the text box. |
• | Add Escalations - select the Escalations check box and enter the Email Ids (separated by comma) in the given text box. |
Do-Not-Disturb Settings Tab
From here the team manager can configure Do not Disturb settings for the customers. Team managers can configure opt-in keywords (can be defined per channel) to allow customers to explicitly give their consent for starting to receive messages, and opt-out keywords to allow customers to explicitly mention that they no longer wish to receive the messages.
From here you cal:
• | Start Receiving Messages - enables team manager to configure message codes to disable DND services for a customer. Customers can opt for DND services by sending a pre-configured message code. Once this done, the customers will start to receiving messages from the IMIchat. |
• | Stop Receiving Message - enables team manager to configure message codes to allow customers to stop receiving messages from the Agents. Customers can opt out to receive any messages, by sending a pre-configured text code. |
Events and Rules Tab
From here team managers can configure events and rules through an easy to use interface. The managers can also use events and rules to submit chat specific data to external systems. Events are triggered manually by an agent at any point of time during the chat, whereas a Rule will trigger automatically based on the configured conditions.
• | Event Id - an automatically generated unique identifier for this entry; |
• | Name - a textual description for the name of the event; |
• | Type - the type of event (i.e. Rule or Event); |
• | Created on - the date and time that this entry was created. |
From here you can:
• | Add New Event - click Add New Event on the top-right-corner of the screen. The create new event dialog is displayed. From here you can set all the information required to define the event (such as name, URL to be called when the event is triggered, response format, and various other options for display and payload presentation). |
• | Add New Rule - click Add New Rule on the top-right-corner of the screen. The create new rule dialog is displayed. From here you can set all the information required to define the rule (such as name, the condition to trigger the rule, URL to be called when the rule is triggered, response format, and various other options for display and payload presentation). |
• | Search Rule/Event - to search for a rule or event, enter the Name of the Rule or Event in the Search text box. The list is filtered and displayed based on the given search criteria. |
• | Edit Rule/Event - click the Edit icon corresponding to the Event or Rule name to display the related page (Configure Event/Configure Rule) page is displayed. Make the required modifications, and click Save to display a confirmation message. |
• | Delete Rule/Event - to delete a rule/event, click the Delete icon corresponding to an Event or Rule name. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to delete the Event or Rule. |
Regular Expressions Tab
Customers tend to share sensitive information such as credit card number over a chat when they are not supposed to share. This not only allows the current agent to view the sensitive information but also gives access to anyone who has access to the chat. In addition, sensitive information is stored in the database as part of the chat conversation.
IMIchat enables to detect the sensitive information and mask it on the chat conversation, database and in reports.
The system administrator can configure a regular expression in the client admin settings. All messages exchanged within the chat conversation that matches the configured regex are masked on IMIchat. The client admin can also choose a masking schedule: immediately or when the chat is closed.
• | Name - a textual string for the name of this entry; |
• | Regular Expression - the regular expressions used to mask sensitive data exchanged as part of chat conversation; |
• | Masking Schedule - determine when the matching message is masked. ‘Immediately’ masks the matching message as soon as it is sent. ‘Mask later’ allows the agent to use the information for some reference (if required) and masks the message after the chat is closed. |
From here you can:
• | Modify the Regular Expression - enter or update the details on this screen and click Save Changes. |
Routing Attributes Tab
IMIchat facilitates context-based routing of chats to the right team and the right agent using routing attributes. Two types of routing attributes can be configured on IMIchat i.e. User Attributes and Chat Attributes. For each entry the Name and Description can be set.
• | User Attributes - these can be used to logically group agents into skills. These skills can be further used in the intelligent routing rules to assign chats to agents. When a chat is assigned to a skill, any agent mapped to that skill can receive the chat based on the thresholds set for each agent profile. The user attributes work in key-value pairs on IMIchat. Once the keys are configured, each agent profile should be individually mapped to these attributes by providing values against these keys in the Edit Profile page. |
• | Chat Attributes - these can be used to provide additional contextual information about the chat while creating a chat using IMIchat APIs. These attributes can then be used as conditions within the intelligent routing rules to assign the chat to the right agent or team. The chat attributes work in key-value pairs on IMIchat. Once the keys are added by following the above steps, these keys can be used to pass appropriate values while creating a chat using IMIchat APIs. Furthermore, these keys will be available in the intelligent routing section to create rules. Based on the values passed in the API call and the rules set within the intelligent routing section, any chat that satisfies the conditions will be routed as per the configured rules. |
From here you can:
• | Add a new attribute - click the Add an Attribute button. Enter the new details and click Add to save. |
• | Modify an existing attribute - click on the Action column edit icon to the right to view or change the properties of an existing entry. |
• | Delete an existing attribute - click on the Action column delete icon to the far right to delete an existing entry. |
SuperVisor Chats Tab
IMIchat gives Team Managers an opportunity to have a direct insight into a chat that is currently held by an agent within the same team. The team manager can monitor specific chats based on various filter criteria such as Agent ID, Average Response Time, Handle Time, Channel, Skill etc. The team manager will then have an option either to transfer the chat to another agent, view the chat conversation or join the conversation.
• | Filter - from here set AND/OR conditions based on various criteria to filter the chats that are displayed in the preview frame. |
• | Chats Preview - a list of chats that meet the conditions defined by the filter set above. |
From here you can:
• | Join a Conversation - to join a specific conversation, click the Join Conversation icon under the Actions column of the individual chat record. The chat will be moved to the My Chats section of the team manager from where the manager can view the ongoing conversation. To participate in the conversation, the team manager can either reply directly to the customer or prompt messages to the agent without notifying the customer. Either of the agents can choose to leave the conversation at any point by clicking the Leave Chat option, or force take over chat through Take Over Chat option. |
Templates Tab
Templates are provided for your agents to use as canned responses within a conversation. The IMIchat Application enables the system administrators to configure and manage new templates and template groups. The templates can be organized into groups for easier access and management. These templates can be shared with other groups and teams.
• | ID - the unique ID of the template; |
• | Channel - the type of message channel (SMS/Facebook/Apple Business Chat/Twitter/WhatsApp/Email) of the agent throughout the chat; |
• | Template - the customized message with the variables in tags; |
• | Start Template - the first message to initiate the chat conversation; |
• | Followup Template - the standard message that can be used to follow-up the chat conversation; |
• | End Template - the last message of the chat conversation. |
From here you can:
• | Create New Template Group - click the Add icon adjacent to the Template Groups, enter the Group Name and click Add. |
• | Delete Template Group - click the Delete icon adjacent to the template group name that needs to be deleted, and then click OK on the confirmation dialog. |
• | Add New Template - click the Add Template button on the top-right-corner of the templates screen. The subsequent fields to be set are displayed based on the template type (i.e. SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Livechat, API, Apple Business Chat, WhatsApp). Once all details have been entered click Save Changes. |
• | Edit Template - click the Edit icon adjacent to the template name. Make the required changes to the template, and click Save Changes. |
• | Delete Template - click the Delete icon corresponding to the template name, and then click OK on the confirmation dialog. |
• | Order Templates - template messages are sent to the customers in a specific order during the chat coversaton. You can alter this order based on the business need through a simple click, drag, and drop method. To do so click the entry to move and drag and drop it in the required position. |