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Your system MIS can be extracted from the database to csv (comma separated values which can be viewed using Mirosoft Excel or equivalent) and sdb (SQL database files which can be re-imported using appropriate database tools) backup files on a regular basis or on demand.  These files are maintained on your rostrvm server under the ExtractedMIS directory.  This report shows a list of these files and provides the ability to download them locally.

General Panel

Shows details of the most recent extracted MIS files.

Name - the name of the file or the name of the directory for previous days (click the directory name to navigate to the list of files);
Size - the size of the file;
Last Modified - the time and date that the file was last modified.


From here you can:

Download and save the file locally by clicking on the name of the file.  Once saved locally you are able to open the file by clicking the Open option.