How to navigate to this page> Typical display>
A Management Information report showing individual account details for lists that may have been deleted from the system.
General Panel
Details relating to the dialling accounts in your list. Entries are only displayed if at least one of the search fields List or Phone Number is populated.
• | Account Reference - the account reference for the account – where it is not an internally generated reference; |
• | List - the list in which the account resides. This is only displayed if it does not match that in the List search field. |
• | Name - the customer name for the account; |
• | Telephone 1 to 4 - the telephone numbers to be used when dialling this account; |
• | Status - the status of the account; |
• | User Name - if the account has been dialled, the name of the user that last dialled it; |
• | Attempts - the number of times that an attempt has been made to dial this account; |
• | Last Call - the date and time that this account was lasted dialled; |
• | Campaign - the associated campaign for callback accounts; |
• | Downloaded - the date and time the account was downloaded. |
From here you can:
• | Change Data - click the Account Ref and select Properties to view and modify data associated with this account; |
• | Terminate - click the Account Ref and select Terminate to terminate the account (or accounts if multiple are selected). The Terminate Accounts dialog is displayed. From here a Termination Reason code may be entered before clicking the Confirm button to apply the action. |
• | Redial - click the Account Ref and select Redial to redial an account or multiple accounts by un-terminating (or refreshing) those selected. |
Note: Multiple entries can be selected for termination or redialing from any of the non-menu fields by using click and drag, <shift> click and <ctrl> click in the standard way.