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A Management Information report showing a summary of the accounts and agents that have a required and assigned skill.
Campaign Skills Panel
• | Skill - the name of the required skill; |
• | Accounts - the number of accounts that require this skill; |
• | Unused - the number of unused accounts that require this skill; |
• | Filtered Out - the number of filtered accounts that require this skill; |
• | Terminated - the number of terminated accounts that require this skill; |
• | Callbacks - the number of callback accounts that require this skill; |
• | Earliest Callback - the earliest agent scheduled call back requiring this skill; |
• | Agents - the number of agents logged on to the campaign with the required skill. |
Agents Panel
• | User Name - the name of the logged on user; |
• | Skills - the skills associated with the user (if none of the users have skills this column will not be shown); |
• | Agent State - the current state of the agent. |
List Skills Panel
For each list, details of the agents logged on with specific skills, and the number of accounts that require that skill.
• | List - the name of the list; |
• | Skill - the name of the required skill; |
• | Active Accounts - the number of unused and callback accounts that require this skill; |
• | Agents On - the number of agents logged on to the campaign with the required skill. |