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A Management Information report showing a summary of the accounts and agents that have a required and assigned skill.

Campaign Skills Panel

Skill - the name of the required skill;
Accounts - the number of accounts that require this skill;
Unused - the number of unused accounts that require this skill;
Filtered Out - the number of filtered accounts that require this skill;
Terminated - the number of terminated accounts that require this skill;
Callbacks - the number of callback accounts that require this skill;
Earliest Callback - the earliest agent scheduled call back requiring this skill;
Agents - the number of agents logged on to the campaign with the required skill.


Agents Panel

User Name - the name of the logged on user;
Skills - the skills associated with the user (if none of the users have skills this column will not be shown);
Agent State - the current state of the agent.


List Skills Panel

For each list, details of the agents logged on with specific skills, and the number of accounts that require that skill.

List - the name of the list;
Skill - the name of the required skill;
Active Accounts - the number of unused and callback accounts that require this skill;
Agents On - the number of agents logged on to the campaign with the required skill.