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A Management Information report showing real-time information regarding a campaigns, lists, and agents currently logged on.

Campaign Status Panel

Campaign - the name of the campaign;        
Type - the type of campaign (Preview, Progressive or Predictive);
Filter - the name of the campaign filter applied;
Filtered - the number of accounts that have been filtered out of the campaign;
Unused - the number of accounts that have not yet been dialled;
Terminated - the number of accounts that have been terminated;
Earliest Callback - the date and time of the earliest callback on this campaign.
Attempted Calls - the number of calls that have been attempted on this campaign since the campaign was made active;
Answered Calls (Nuisance) - the number of calls that have been connected to an external phone since the campaign was made active.  This excludes answer-phone detected calls (assuming answer-phone detection is in use).  In brackets the number of nuisance calls that have been made on the campaign since the campaign was made active;
Nuisance Rate - the percentage of calls that were nuisance calls, measured for today (since midnight);
Requested Ratio - the current predictive algorithm tuning parameters.  The requested ratio is the configured parameter;
Actual Ratio - the current predictive algorithm tuning parameters.  The actual ratio is the one in use, set by the auto tune mode (if used).
Future Callbacks - the number of callbacks scheduled for a future date/time;
Daily Attempt Limit Reached - the number of accounts that are effectively on-hold until the next day due to the daily attempt limit being reached.
Overdue Specific Agent Callbacks - the number of overdue (i.e. in the past) agent specific callbacks;
Overdue Any Agent Callbacks - the number of overdue (i.e. in the past) agent scheduled (for any agent) callbacks;
Overdue System Callbacks - the number of overdue (i.e. in the past) system callbacks;
Ignore Agent Callbacks - as per campaign configuration – Ignore Agent Callbacks (Yes/No);
Ignore System Callbacks - as per campaign configuration – Ignore System Callbacks (Yes/No);
Callbacks Only - as per campaign configuration – Ignore System Callbacks (Yes/No);


List Summaries Panel

A summary of the list details.

List - the name of the list;
Campaign - the name of the campaign(s) to which the list is assigned;
Data Store - the name of the data store from where the customer account data resides;
Filter - the name of the list filter applied;
Accounts - the total number of active accounts in the list;
Available - the number of accounts available to be dialled;
Terminated - the number of terminated accounts;
Terminated Today - the number of accounts terminated today;
Connected - the number of accounts that have been connected to an agent;
Callbacks - the number of callback accounts;
Pending Callbacks Today - the number of pending callbacks for today;
Daily Limit Reached - the number of accounts that will not be dialled until the next day as they have reached the daily attempt limit;
Filtered Out - the number of filtered out accounts.


Agents On Campaign Panel

A table of currently logged on agents for the given campaign(s).

User Name - the name of the user;
User Group - the name of the user group;
Agent Group - the name of the agent group that the user is logged on;
Station - the station to which that the agent is logged on;
State - the current agent state.  When in busy, the call state is shown;
Time in State/Call - the time in the current agent state, or the time on the call if the agent is busy;
Customer Number - the telephone number of the remote party if busy on a call (unknown if CLI is not present);
Calls - the number of outbound calls (including manual outbound) made by this agent (in the case of transferred calls, calls can be counted on more than one agent);
Session Utilisation - the percentage of logged on time that agents have spent in busy, wrap-up and preview states.