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A Management Information report showing agent specific callbacks that have been set and handled for a specific user.
Agent Callbacks Panel
Shows a list of all callbacks or the callbacks for a given user.
• | Status - the status of the callback (Complete, Overdue or Pending); |
• | Account Reference - the account reference for the callback account; |
• | List - on which the callback was set; |
• | Campaign - on which the callback was set; |
• | Call Who - the name of the customer to whom the callback is/was made; |
• | Number to Call - the telephone number for the callback; |
• | Call Back Time - the date and time for which the callback was scheduled; |
• | Set By - the user that set the callback (if any); |
• | Set At - the date and time that the callback was set; |
• | User Name - the user name for which the callback was set (or Anyone for callbacks for any agent). |