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A Management Information report showing a summary of the inbound call handling.

Inbound Call Summary Panel

Shows real-time and historic information regarding inbound calls handled by each routing number.

Routing Number - the routing number through which the message was received;
Queuing - the number of calls currently awaiting processing;
Oldest - the age of the oldest call awaiting processing;
With Agents - the number of calls in progress with agents;
Received - the number of new calls that arrived;
Handled - the number of calls handled by agents;
Avg Duration - the average time from receipt to handled;
Max Duration - the maximum time from receipt to handled.


Inbound Calls in Progress Panel

Shows real-time information regarding calls that are currently in progress, i.e. being held on the queue or have been routed to and are being handled by an agent.  Once the agent has finished with the call it is removed from this display.

Start Time - the date and time that the call first entered the rostrvm system;
Routing Number - the routing number through which the call arrived;
Customer - the customer from which the call was originated;
Class - the call class assigned to this contact;
Queue - the queue through which this call arrived;
User Name - the user name of the agent handling the call (blank if still queued).