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A Management Information report showing the complete contact history for an individual customer.

Details Panel

Name - the display name for the contact;
Contacts - a list of phone numbers, email addresses and/or account references associated with the contact.


Outbound Accounts Panel

Account Ref - the reference of the account;
List - the list in which the account resides;
Status - the status of the account;
Call back time - the call back time, if one is set;
Campaign - the campaign associated with the account;
Down load date - the date the account was down loaded for this contact.


Contact History Panel

Start time - the start time of a call with the contact;
Duration - the duration of the call;
Class - the campaign or call class of the call;
Customer - the origin or destination of the remote party;
Queue - for inbound calls the queue through which the call arrived;
Account Ref - for outbound calls the reference of the account;
User Name - the name of the user that handled the call;
Callback - for outbound callback calls the time of the callback;
Outcome - the business outcomes assigned to the call.