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A Management Information report showing a summary of all calls within the given time range.

Calls Panel

Shows counts and times for inbound and outbound calls, grouped by call class.  Note that for contacts with multiple call classes the Class/Campaign values will be more than the Distinct Contacts values.  This is because the same contact is counted for each different call class in the former, but is only counted once in the latter.

Class/Campaign - the call class or campaign name;
Contacts - the number of contacts that have this call class;
Handled - the total number of answered / handled contacts of this call class;
Ave Talk - the average talk time for calls connected to an agent or handle time for emails.


Category Summary Panel

A list of all the configured business outcome Categories where outcomes have been set;
The number of Inbound and Outbound calls that have been categorised with a business outcome of this category.  If the outcome has an integer value associated with it then the sum of the values is shown in brackets after the outcome count.


Other Outcomes Panel

A list of all the non categorised call Outcomes: Abandoned, Busy, Connected, Failed, IVR, No Answer, Nuisance, Overflowed, Unknown;
The number Calls that have been set with this business outcome.